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To begin creating the inside of the mouth, first draw a radial loop just outside the edge that defines the center of the mouth. Make sure you split the edges at the corner of the mouth instead of taking the edge to a single central point. If you split the edges you will be left with quads and this is what we want.

Next, select all of the inside faces you just created.

Then, press the delete key on your keyboard to remove them. This will create an opening in the mouth if you have split the corner correctly, you will have nothing but quads left over. If you have done it wrong, you will have triangles at the corner. If you do... fix them up by drawing in new edges so all you have is quads before proceeding to the next step

Next, go to your side viewport and view your model in wireframe. This will allow us to see where we are going to place the inside of the mouth.

Using your ep curve tool (go to create>ep curve tool) trace out 3 curves that define the inside of your mouth. One from the upper lip back to the throat, another from the lower lip back to the throat and a third beginning at the corner of the mouth, going half-way through the other two curves, all the way back to the throat.

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